
Fetches the checkout by the Local Management System id.


GET /v3/checkouts?lmsLoanId=<lms loan id&gt;&language=<language code>

lms loan id The lms loan id ex: 42268539
language code The language code ex: en


        "id":<checkout id>,
        "lmsLoanId":"<lms loan id>",
        "contentProviderLoanId":"<content provider loan id>",
        "expirationDate":<expiration date>,
            "id":"<format id>",
            "name":"<format name>",
            "description":"<format description>",
            "contentDisposition":"<content disposition>"
        {"href":"<content url>"},
        {"href":"<content url>"}
    "supplementLinks": [
        {"href":"<supplement link url>", "name": "<supplement link name>"},
        {"href":"<supplement link url>", "name": "<supplement link name>"}
<checkout id> The checkout id.
<format metadata> The format metadata is a JSON object with properties of format id. The value of each property is an object with value of properties "<content links>" and "<supplement links>" where:
<content links> The media content links array. Every element in the array is an object with singleton property <href>. The property specifies the media url.
<supplement links> The media supplement links array. Every element in the array is an object with properties <name> and <href>. The <name> property specifies the supplement link name and <href> specifies the supplement material url.
<expiration date> The checkout expiration date in seconds since epoch. See Epoch & Unix Timestamp Conversion Tools

Example request:

GET /v3/checkouts?lmsLoanId=7462892&language=en

Example response:

            "name":"Listen on computer",
            "description":"E-audiobook played in browser, Flash is required",
    "supplementLinks": [
        {"href":"", "name": "Supplement 1"},
        {"href":"", "name": "Supplement 2"}