eHUB API Error Handling

eHUB API errors are communicated through HTTP status codes and a JSON messages that contain a more detailed explanation of the error. HTTP responses with a status code >399 should contain a message that explains the error. Aside from these the API might reply with a HTTP status code >= 500 for internal errors.

JSON messages have the following format:

    "cause":"<error cause code>",
    "message":"<error message>",
            "value":"<argument value>",
            "type":"<argument type>"
            "value":"<argument value>",
            "type":"<argument type>"

In the above:

<error cause code> Error cause code. The error codes are translated into localized messages in eHUB and shown to the eHUB user
<error message> A detailed error message explaining the problem. This message is not shown to the eHUB users, but logged in the application log.
<argument value> Argument value
<argument type> Argument type ex: CONTENT_PROVIDER_NAME
    "message":"The Content Provider ELIB3 returned the following error status code: The book is unavailable to loan when it lacks a valid business model ",
            "value":"The book is unavailable to loan when it lacks a valid business model ",

The following standard error codes are defined in eHUB Provider API

BAD_REQUEST Some parameter(s) in your URL or XML are not correct. Please see the eHUB API documentation and review your request.
MISSING_CONTENT_PROVIDER_NAME The getContent provider name is missing in your request. Please see the eHUB API documentation and review your request.
MISSING_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER Authorization header is missing
MISSING_EHUB_CONSUMER_ID The eHUB Consumer ID is missing in the authentication information
MISSING_SIGNATURE The signature is missing in the authentication information
MISSING_LIBRARY_CARD The library card is missing in the authentication information
MISSING_PIN The pin is missing in the authentication information
MISSING_EMAIL Patron has no registered email address
MISSING_FORMAT The format is missing in the request
MISSING_FIELD The field with name {0} is missing in the request. Please see the API documentation for more information.
INVALID_SIGNATURE Invalid signature
EHUB_CONSUMER_NOT_FOUND An eHUB Consumer with ID {0} could not be found
EHUB_CONSUMER_INVALID_PROPERTY Invalid property {0} with the value {1} for the eHUB Consumer with ID {2}
MISSING_SECRET_KEY A secret key has not been provided for the eHUB Consumer with ID {0}
UNKNOWN_CONTENT_PROVIDER The getContent provider with name {0} is unknown to the eHUB
LOAN_BY_LMS_LOAN_ID_NOT_FOUND The loan with LMS loan ID {0} could not be found
LOAN_ALREADY_EXISTS The loan with LMS loan ID {0} already exists for the eHUB Consumer with ID {1}
LOAN_BY_ID_NOT_FOUND The loan with ID {0} could not be found
CONTENT_PROVIDER_LOAN_NOT_FOUND The loan with ID {0} at the Content Provider {1} could not be found
MISSING_CONTENT_PROVIDER_LOAN_ID The ID of the loan at the Content Provider is missing
FORMAT_NOT_FOUND The format with ID {0} could not be found for the Content Provider {1}
CONTENT_PROVIDER_RECORD_NOT_FOUND The record with ID {0} in the format {1} could not be found at the Content Provider {2}
CONTENT_PROVIDER_RECORD_NOT_CHECKED_OUT The record with ID {0} in the format {1} is not checked out at the Content Provider {2}
CONTENT_PROVIDER_CONSUMER_NOT_FOUND A Consumer for Content Provider with name {0} could not be found for EhubConsumer with ID {1}
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR The eHUB server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. Please contact the Axiell Support.
CONTENT_PROVIDER_ERROR The Content Provider {0} returned the following error status code: {1}
CONTENT_PROVIDER_UNSUPPORTED_LOAN_PER_PRODUCT The Content Provider {0} does not support loan per product
LMS_CHECKOUT_DENIED Checkout of record with ID {0} to the holder of library card {1} is denied for the eHUB Consumer with ID {2}
LMS_BLOCKED_LIBRARY_CARD Blocked library card {0} for the eHUB Consumer with ID {1}
LMS_LIBRARY_CARD_NOT_FOUND The library card {0} not found for the eHUB Consumer with ID {1}
LMS_INVALID_ACCOUNT_CARD Invalid account for the library card {0} for the eHUB Consumer with ID {1}
LMS_INVALID_LIBRARY_CARD Invalid library card {0} for the eHUB Consumer with ID {1}"),
LMS_INVALID_PIN_CODE Invalid pin code for the library card {0} for the eHUB Consumer with ID {1}
LMS_RECORD_NOT_FOUND The record with ID {0} can not be found for the eHUB Consumer with ID {1}
LMS_ERROR LMS error with code {0} for the eHUB Consumer with ID {1}
NOT_IMPLEMENTED The eHUB server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request. Please contact the Axiell Support.